Nominating Committee

The District Nominating Committee is elected and is independent in fulfilling its duties. The role of the District Nominating Committee is to recruit qualified Zontians for district officers, directors and the nominating committee and to give information about the process as needed. This is an active role. The District Nominating Committee must encourage clubs to nominate qualified members. When necessary, and when asked by the Zonta International Nominating Committee, the District Nominating Committee will seek additional nominees for positions at the international level.

General Responsibilities of the Nominating Committee

The committee members:

• Should be knowledgeable about:

  • The competences and experience of Zontians in the district
  • The responsibilities of each office to be filled
  • The objects and programs of Zonta International
  • The campaigning policy

• Solicit names of potential nominees for the positions to be filled throughout the term of office, emphasizing the qualifications required, the responsibilities of the office estimated time commitment, the amount of travel required including attendance at meetings, conferences, the international convention, and other events

• Advises potential candidates of what expenses are reimbursable , and secures the consent of all nominees to be nominated and to serve if elected

• Presents to each district officer and club at least sixty days before the district conference at which the election is to be held, a report listing one or more qualified candidates for each district position to be filled and at least five candidates for the District Nominating Committee

• Reports at the district conference at which the election for district office is held